Semantic BMS Framework
More details about the project
Smart buildings are buildings that automate operation of installed technologies (e.g. Heating, ventilation, air conditioning -- HVAC) and provide remote monitoring and control of them. Smart building are typical applications of cyber-physical systems, in this case represented by building automation systems (BAS) and Building Management Systems (BMS). This research group focuses on facilitating building automation data in facility performance benchmarking and on security of building automation systems.
Laboratoř Lasaris
Fakulta informatiky, Masarykova univerzita
Botanická 68a, 602 00 Brno
telefon: +420 549 495 940
Webová prezentace je ve správě Ústavu výpočetní techniky MU | Správce stránek
Webová prezentace je ve správě Ústavu výpočetní techniky MU | Správce stránek
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